Rising Tide,sandringham,victoria by Geoff Stanistreet

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ARTIST NOTES: Boats and Jetties are always governed by the rise and fall of the tide. This pleasing scene observed late afternoon at Sandringham Victoria seems to illustrate this very well.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 36.00 cm X Width - 49.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Watercolour on Paper
GENRE Impressionist
REGISTERED NRN # 000-38681-0134-01
COPYRIGHT © Geoff Stanistreet
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Artist: Geoff Stanistreet


Geoff enjoys the challenge of using watercolours ‚ trying to achieve works that are free and impressionistic ‚ rather than detailed expressions . He admires the works of the leading Australian water colourists including David Taylor , Ross Paterson and the works of Harold Herbert, Alvaro Castanet and Clive Sinclair.

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